"Quiet, missy! Cursed pirates sail these waters. You don't want to bring them down on us, now, do ya?" -Gibbs (from the movie Pirates of the Caribbean)
The privateers (L-R) Marc, Jack, Chris, Jim, and Barney.Okay, here's the MS 150 Breakaway to the Beach report I promised. Wow, what a great weekend we had! The weather was perfect and of course our "scream team" support crew did an excellent job making sure we riders had everything we needed for the long haul. Thanks!
The journey began on Friday afternoon. I packed up my stuff and headed to Jim's house for some last minute bike repairs. Jim mentioned his bike chain needed cleaning so I brought my Park Chain Cleaning tool. Little did I know what a big hit this would be. The afternoon turned into a chain cleaning party. Everyone was amazed at how well this little contraption worked with a little Simply Green degreaser. Everyone's chain was sparkly clean!
Friday- Prep Day
Teamwork in action! (Jim H. & Jim W.)
Barney and his new ship!
Barney, the true Floridian, rarely wears socks when he rides.
Team shot!
Donna's home! Our scream team Captain treated us to a wonderful carb dinner. Thanks!
(L-R) Jim and Garrett chillin' on the deck.
(L-R) Barney and Marc.
Donna gives everyone pre-dinner instructions. Safety first!
Carbs! Man the food was fantastic!
Barney explaining the Theory of Relativity- very interesting. (L-R) Bruce, Amy, and Barney)
Dinners not complete without dessert. We sang the "Go MS Riders" song and enjoyed cake. It had that good whipped cream icing.... YUM!
Jim H. wondering if he should have another piece(?). (L-R) Bruce, Lori, and Jim.
Jim passes out team gifts which included Red Bull and BC Powder. I think that combination is illegal in 37 States.Saturday- Head 'em Up, Move 'em Out
Early to rise.... Jack has a cup of java to start the day.
Barney raids the icebox!
Marc, Jim, and Donna share a hug at the McDonalds just outside of Rockingham,NC our start point for the ride.
Yeah! We all made it to the start.
The bets are on, will Jacks tires make it 150 miles? Ante up boys.
Barney is so proud of his new ride- a Sampson road bike. It's apparently constructed of titanium melted down from post-soviet nuclear weapons. Kewl!
Nipple rash is a problem on the road. So Jim decides heavy duty 3m tape is the answer to his woes. Just remember, that may leave a mark...
How did life survive before Porta-Jon's?
No flats yet! (L-R) Jack, Jim, and Barney check out the tires at one of our first rest stops.
I don't think that little number will fit you Barney.
Jack and Chris moving on down the road.
Barney in the wind.
We made it to Darlington just after 1300 hrs. SWEET!
Jim and Barney.
Barney and Marc. Can you tell we're happy to be done for the day?
(L-R lower) Tim, Barney, Marc (upper)Chris, Jim, and Jack. Great job today boys!
What's this? The Corona man enjoying Bud Light? What's up with that?
Barney makes friends. Actually the guys sunglasses with the built in mp3 player was the attraction.
Chris trying not to be embarrassed by the antics of Jim and Jim. The water in the pool was COLD!
Relaxing by the pool after a great day of riding.Sunday- Avast Me Hearties, The Beach is Calling Us!
The start comes early on Sunday. We leave in the 20+ mph group and are in the second wave. Not bad.
Chris, Jim, and Barney at our first rest stop. Lunch is next!
Enjoying lunch under a huge shade tree. Nice!
My bike-carbon frame and oh so smooth.
The group shot at the last rest stop. The headwind wasn't bad along Highway 9 this year which made the paceline scream down the road. Finish Line Antics
Donna greets Jim at the finish. We made it!
Amy greets Barney at the finish.
Group shot!
Chris did an excellent job this year. He's strong for a 13 year old! Way to go!(L-R) Bruce, Chris, and Judy.
le Machine Team- Jim and Lori. They kicked arse this year. Unbelievable!
Duh, can I have more champagne please?
Remnants of the after ride party. You would have thought we were in France by all the flowing champagne.
Thanks Matt Marshall for another great ride!! Condo After Party!!
Donna and Jim on the ocean front balcony at the scream team condo
Thumbs up!Well, that's the report from this years MS 150 Bike ride. Everyone had a great time as you can see. I never laughed so hard in all my life. It will definitely be hard to beat next year- but you know we'll try. Thanks for the good time guys.
Special thanks to Donna, Bruce, Judy, Jim H, and Lori for all the support. We could not have done it without you..........
Oh by the way, Jack never had a flat! YIIPPPEEEE!!!!!