Hey, a couple of weeks ago my friend Stan called and mentioned that he and Alan were thinking about doing a section hike along the Appalachian Trail between Grayson Highlands and Damascus, VA. and wondered if I could go. A quick check of the schedule book and I was locked in. Five of us would tackle this adventure. You'll meet the rest of the crew later.
The plan was to drive up Thursday after work and stay at Dave's Place- the local hostel, then catch a shuttle up to Massey Gap Friday morning. From there it would be a 30 mile hike back into town. We would take it slow and be back Sunday afternoon.
Enjoy the rest of the report...........
That's me at Massey Gap, the start of our adventure.

Mike gets his pack ready

Stan checking his water supply

AT Southbound is the way we're headed

What no horses?

The new Buff did great this trip! Kept my head warm yet wicked away the sweat. Very important in 20 degree weather!

Mike taking a break. We're almost there.

Stan's a map kind of guy. Thank goodness he had one!
The end of the first day takes us on top of White Top Mountain where we'll camp. Temperatures dipped down to between 15-18 degrees with a steady wind! I slept under a tarp in a Marmot Helium 15 degree sleeping bag. The shivering didn't stop until I got out my silk liner. Of course I kept rolling out from under the tarp all night long AAAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!! The three trips to the bathroom weren't too much fun either. 
(L-R) Suzanne, Stan, Mike, and Alan. Thanks for the firewood Alan and Suzanne!

While I lay shivering in my sleepingbag a party was going on around the 'ol campfire. Fun times were had by all, so I'm told.

Suzanne on top of Buzzard Rock- Day 2


Just seemed like the right thing to do

Avast me hearties! There's pirates on this here trail....


Mike and Stan head down the Virginia Creeper Trail. Great day for hiking.

Happy Hiker

Suzanne makes it to the trail!
At the end of day 2 we all make it into Saunders Shelter except Mike. WHOA, WHERE'S MIKE? Seems he took off ahead of the rest of us and missed the sign to the shelter. After about an hour he doubled back and finally walked into camp. Lesson for the day- READ THE TRAIL SIGNS CAREFULLY! Glad you made it back Mike!
Day 3 Getting ready to leave Saunders Shelter

Follow the White Blaze......
We made it back to Damascus, VA.!
Packing the van in Damascus,VA

If you ever pass through Damascus,VA., you have to stop by Dot's Inn. They serve the best darn cheeseburger around. Of course the cold beer isn't that bad either!

So long...........