Avast Me Hearties! It Be Ye Final Voyage for the GasparillaIntroduction The "Final Voyage" of
the Gasparilla Distance Classic Marathon, sponsored by Publix and Sports Authority, took place on February 28, 2010 in Tampa, Florida and Kim and I were there to experience it all! After 10 years, race organizers decided to stop supporting the venue due to escalating costs and static growth. Sad, considering all Tampa has to offer runners. The other events like the 5K, 15K, and half-marathon races will still take place. Thank goodness.
Our journey to the Gasparilla began several months ago. Kim discovered the demise of the event and announced she wanted to get one of the last coveted pirate finisher medals. What could I say? Sign me up too!!
Now you have to understand, the last marathon I ran was two years ago. Since then I did a self-supported
bicycle ride across the country from Jamestown, Virginia to Astoria, Oregon in 2008 and in 2009 completed a
thru-hike of the entire Appalachian Trail. You'd figure I'd be in shape huh? Wrong. I resorted to my old standby marathon training program developed by
Hal Higdon and hit the ground running. Kim joined in to but her work schedule allowed her to only complete about 80% of the entire training routine. So, we decided our goal should be a slow, steady 10 minute pace. True penguins! This is gonna be fun. Yuk, yuk, yuk.......
Getting There
The flight out of Charlotte was uneventful but the weather was down right cold. Tampa was much warmer even though the locals reported a much cooler year overall. Chalk one up for El Nino. Cab rides from Tampa International Airport to the downtown are a fixed $25.00 rate. We're headed for the
Embassy Suites Downtown Convention Center Hotel.
Luckily, our room was ready when we arrived so we dumped our luggage and headed to the Convention Center for packet pick-up.
Official GreeterThe Convention Center was right next door so we literally walked a half block to get there. Sweet! Packet Pick-Up went like a charm. The race organizers planned this very well. Grabbing your race bib, goody bag, and t-shirt was a smooth and pleasant experience. There were plenty of volunteers around to help with answering questions and lot's of giveaways (I mean overflowing goody bag stuff!). The vendors were spaced out with plenty of room for attendees to mingle without feeling like pack of herded cows. Little things like that mean a lot.
Happy Packet Pick-up
Some of Our Loot
Wall of Names
Seen on T-Shirt. An Omen Perhaps?
Kim with one of the Race OrganizersTime to do some exploring. Kim and I walked along the River Walk (next to the Convention Center) and asked a local if there were any deli's nearby. We were told the Publix Super Market had a great deli and was only a couple of blocks away. Great! This is where the Start/Finish line will be on Sunday. After a leisurely lunch we picked up some water, Smart Water, and snacks and headed back to the hotel to chill out. We have plans to meet Kim's friend, Alicia, later.
Along the River Walk
The Jose Gaspirrilla
Ahhh, Sun!
Look at All this Booty Loot We Got!Alicia lives in Tampa and invited us over to her house on Friday and Saturday night. She fixed pasta dinners both nights so we got plenty of carbs. Alicia went out of her way to make our stay enjoyable. It's good to have friends like that.
On Saturday a fast moving cold front moved through Tampa bringing wind, rain, and dropping temperatures making it a nice day to lay around and watch the Olympics on TV. Alicia came by and picked us up again. This time it's an early dinner. The race starts at 0600 hrs tomorrow so it's early to bed for these two runners.
At the HotelRace DayI'm up at 0300 hrs to sort through my running gear and perform the traditional Chi Ceremony (don't ask, long story). Kim gets to sleep in a little longer. Before you know it it's time to head out. We take the short walk and arrive at the Start line by 0545 hrs. The weather is a perfect 45 degrees under clear skies with a beautiful full moon to illuminate the way. Nothing like a dark start. We stand there, huddle, and silently absorb all the surrounding sounds- muffled voices, blaring music, the screech of the announcers microphone. Standing at attention for the National Anthem, I can feel my heart pounding and revel in the excitement that comes every marathon start-
We're off!
At the Start
Full Moon Illuminating the Start Line The announcer did a nice thing after the official start gun sounded. He counted off every second as runners made their way over the line. By doing so each runner knew how far off the gun time was off from their chip time. For us it was right at 1 minute. Kim and I really liked hearing the seconds counted off. Again, one more little things that make such a big difference.
The course is a modified figure eight, out and back route that seemed to encompass four distinct areas:
1- the Downtown area(miles 0-1, 6-7, and finish)
2- the Davis Island area (miles 1-6)
3- the University of Tampa area (miles 7-12)
4- the Bayshore Blvd area (miles 12-25)
There was plenty to see along the way with a good mix of residential and commercial sights. I was amazed at the number of people out clapping and supporting all the runners and was happy to hear lots of good live music being played by a variety of local bands. An assortment of jugglers, mimes, stilt-walkers, and other eccentrics peppered the route as well keeping our minds off the running.
Couldn't Get Her to Say a Thing
Along the WayKim and I were happy with our initial pace which started out as sub-10 minute miles. We were able to maintain that even after taking several breaks. We were happy to know that every aid station had Porta-Potties elevating the fear most runners have of what to do in case the "urge" hits. One more worry abated.
One of Many Aid Stations In this marathon, I tried to do a better job managing my hydration needs. I have a tendency to over-hydrate on long runs so I ended up sipping half cups of water or Gatorade about every other aid station and took a Hammer Gel every 50 minutes. My energy level remained constant throughout the marathon following this strategy. Kim did something similar except she uses Clif Shot Bloks as her preferred energy supplement. We commented several times about how good we felt.
Trouble in ParadiseThen came mile 17. Kim began complaining about pain and swelling in her right knee. She tried several things to ease the discomfort but her knee had had it. We began to walk/run (.5 mile walk/ 1.5 mile run) and hobbled toward the finish. This happened to her once before at the
Brookings, South Dakota Marathon several years ago but back then her knee went out at mile 20 and seemed a lot worse than now.
Save the Knee!
Dude, nice hat!The finish line was now in sight and we crossed underneath with a 4:57 time. Not too shabby considering the circumstances. The finish area was the typical corral but was large enough to avoid over-crowding. I've been at way too many races where you had to fight and claw your way out but not here! Local kids distributed space blankets and finisher medals to all the weary runners. Everyone was so upbeat!
Yep, It's Real!The highlight however was all the post race activities in the "1905 Runner Revive Area". The
Columbia Restaurant , based in Tampa's Ybor City, provided all Gasparilla Marathon & Half Marathon Finishers a yummy variety of their signature '1905' Salad, black beans, rice, paella, and Cuban Bread. Additionally, Publix Super Markets supplied Coca-Cola, Zephyrhills Spring Water, Gatorade, Bagels, Dole Fruit Bowls and other food items!
Finish Area
After eating our fill of the delicious Columbia Restaurant food Kim and I walked back toward the Convention Center along the River Walk and landed in the runners entertainment area. We got a complimentary cup of Michelob Ultra beer, watched the awards being handed out, and marveled at the finishing times of all the elite runners before heading back to our hotel. This has been a marvelous day. A shower and a nap are in order!
ChronoTrack Timing Tag
Stretching the LegsA
Tampa Trolley stop just outside our hotel provided a nice way for Kim and I to see a little more of the city. These replica In-Town Trolleys are built to resemble the double-truck Birney Safety streetcars used on Tampa’s streets between 1920 and 1946. Each one is 46 feet long, weighs 48,000 lbs., and can seat 84 passengers!
We bought an all day ticket and jumped on the Red Line trolley which travels between the Channel District and Ybor City. A perfect way to spend an afternoon. We even got off at several stops and strolled along checking out the shops in the Channel District. What a great way to keep our legs stretched out!
On Board the Tampa Trolley
Florida AquariumNo More Pasta!Our after race dinner was at Tampa's legendary
Bern's Steakhouse. We invited Alicia along to help us celebrate and were treated to premium dry-aged steaks along with a fantastic dessert. As part of our evening we were given a tour of the kitchen and the wine cellar-the
largest wine cellar in the world. It holds over 90,000 bottles which represents only 15-20% of Bern's entire wine stock. Most of the inventory is held off site. Remarkable!
Dessert at Berns Steakhouse- Yum!Rent a Car, Take a Day TripOn Monday we picked up a Hertz rental car from their satellite location in the Marriott Hotel just across the street (so convenient!) and drove to Orlando, FL to visit our friends Patsy and Dave. Patsy cooked a wonderful meal and we even had time to play three grueling rounds of cards
(Spite and Malice). Dave and I beat the girls in a sudden death playoff! Wow!
Thanks Patsy and Dave for a Fun Time!
Back Home on Tuesday!Recovery Phase
I've always liked using Hal Higdon's Post-Marathon Training Guide to maximize recovery (see
HERE). It's chalk full of useful tips to help sore muscles recuperate the best way possible.
Post Race ThoughtsThe 2010 Gasparilla Marathon was a great experience! From packet pick-up to the finish line this race was well organized and more importantly fun! You could not have asked for better weather. The aid stations were placed at just the right intervals, well stocked, and all had Porta-Potties. The crowds were plentiful and supportive. While it's sad this was the final voyage, Kim and I are happy to have experienced running in Tampa.
Kudos to: * the people of Tampa
* all the local bands
* street performers
* police officers
* EMT's
You guys did a fantastic job keeping us motivated and safe!
.........and oh, thanks for the very cool pirate medals!
Some Dreams Really Do Turn into Gold...