Monday, May 02, 2011

2011 Square Foot Garden Update 5

The garden literally exploded over the last several weeks. Abundant sunshine and rain were the contributing factors. Plenty of tasty salads have been eaten.


The next round of crops have been purchased and planted. I simply cant wait to see how these do. I decided to do something a little different this year as far as tomato plants go. I've put both an heirloom and hybrid variety in. The heirlooms have much more flavor and are popular picks at our local farmers market. They are a little more disease prone than the hybrids but the extra taste outweighs that risk. I simply can't wait to compare them in a tomato sandwich test! With extra mayo, salt, and pepper of course....

Check out the pics:

The Burpless Cucumbers are looking Great!

These are the Tomato Plants- Parks Whooper Hybrid on the Left and German Johnson Heirloom on the Right

Bush Beans are Coming Along Nicely Too

More updates later.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

2011 Square Foot Garden Update 4

Wow! It's amazing how much stuff grows in just a couple weeks in good soil! I staggered planting our first two crops a week apart. Both beds have sprouted. Here's what they look like so far.

The radishes (below) are coming in really nice. There's a different type in each square.

The spinach seeds are the slowest ones to sprout. The rest should break through later this week.

I'm headed out of town but when I get back I'll try and post a short video update.


Tuesday, March 08, 2011

2011 Square Foot Garden- Update 3

YEEHAW! The first seeds are in the ground! I planned to sow seeds this past weekend but heavy rain was forecast for Saturday and Sunday. Didn't want to risk a washout so I got started on Monday.

Here's a breakdown of what went in the ground:

4 Squares of Renfro Lettuce Mix
2 Squares of Renfro Spinach Mix
2 Squares of Buttercrunch Lettuce
2 Squares of Early Scarlet Globe Radish
2 Squares of White Tipped Scarlet Radish
2 Squares All Season Cabbage

I'll plant a second round in about a week or two so to extend the harvest.


Friday, March 04, 2011

Simple Square Foot Garden Dividers- Update 2

Lots of people who do square foot gardening struggle finding the right dividers to mark off their beds. Mel Bartholomew originally suggested tack nailing flat wooden strips (like trellis slats) to the side of the beds. That's expensive. I've read of others who have tried using string, pvc pipe, and even mini-blind slats.

I struggled finding the best divider for my square foot garden too. Then it hit me! I discovered the best material is 1 1/4" vinyl corner bead. You'll find it at your local home improvement store in the section where they sell drywall supplies. It comes in 8 foot sections. Mine cost under $2.00 each.

It looks like this:

Since the corner bead is "V" shaped all you need to do is cut off both sides. You'll need a strong pair of cutters to do this- regular scissors won't cut it. I use a pair of garden scissors. Just trim along the line of holes on both sides.

Here's what you'll end up with.

Now just lay out the strips in your bed.

You can secure the strips a number of ways. Last year I interwove them (like a basket weave). That kept them in place pretty good. This year I'm trying wire stakes make out of this stuff.

I just cut the wire into about 10" lengths then bent them in a "U" shape and pushed them through the holes at the intersections. See below:

I'll let you know how the wire stakes hold up this year.


Monday, February 28, 2011

Square Foot Gardening 2011 Edition- Update 1

Last years square foot garden was a huge success! Kim and I learned a lot and we plan on taking the lessons learned and carrying them over to this seasons garden. What amazed us was how little work it took to maintain this type of garden and how much fun we had harvesting all our crops!

By far the two most helpful resources were the Mel Bartholomew's "All New Square Foot Gardening" book and the Square Foot Gardening Foundation website.

The book is a must have in my opinion. It outline's the soil mix and gives you planting layouts for your garden. I built 4'X6' beds instead of the recommended 4'X4' beds simply because I had the space for them. You choose what's right for you. Whatever you do however, don't cut corners on your soil mix ingredients!

Getting Ready for 2011

Winter was pretty harsh here as well as the rest of the country so the garden went dormant. The soil had settled a couple of inches in spots below the top of the frames so.......

Here's what I added to top them off:

1 bag of Black Kow brand cow manure

1 bag Black Hen brand chicken manure (rocket fuel!!)

1 bag mushroom compost

Sphagnum peat moss- some leftover I had laying around

Agricultural vermiculite- about 2.5 gallons

I poured all the bags into the beds and mixed them together by hand. It worked better doing it this way since the soil is so loose and rich.

Here's what it looked like when I got done. Mmmmm, pretty!

Rabbit Protection

The biggest threat to our garden last year was rabbits! They're everywhere and they like to eat stuff in gardens! So, in order to protect the crop, a barrier is mandatory. I researched putting up 1/2" galvanized hardware cloth but it was just way too expensive. I decided on using plastic hardware cloth instead. It's durable and only costs about $8.00 for a 25 foot roll. Plus it comes in a 36 inch width so I just cut it in half giving me 18" tall sections- plenty high enough to keep the rabbits out.

Here's the finished fence. Those are plastic garden stakes weaved through the cloth on all four corners. Bamboo stakes on the mid sections give extra stability and eliminates the fence flopping around. It works great!

Buying Seeds

Our favorite place to buy seeds and get local growing advice is from Renfro's Hardware Store. Having a local resource like this is invaluable.

So far we've picked up some Renfro Lettuce Mix, Renfro Spiniach Mix, Butercrunch Lettuce, Scarlet Globe Radish, Early Scarlet White Tipped Radish, and Derby Bush Beans.

We also plan on adding a couple varieties of tomato plants, burp-less cucumbers, and pepper plants.

I'm not sure why but last year our pepper plants did not take. I was really bummed about that. My plan is to get a couple more varieties of peppers and plant them in the other bed. Sunlight issues maybe?

Stay tuned for more updates.


Wednesday, February 09, 2011

FaceTime Won't Activate on New Verizon iPhone4 Solution

Well, my saga continues. I am one of the existing Verizon customers who got first shot at getting the new iPhone4 on the Verizon network. The pre-order process went well and the device shipped really quickly. Then the quirks began after I started exploring the phones functionality.

First off was the problem with the VZ Navigator. It wasn't available even though the feature was offered as a billable option during pre-order. Come to find out the application wasn't made ready for distribution at roll out time. Verizon quickly took the charges off my plan after informing me the feature wouldn't really be available until February 10th. Nice try, I'll think I'll pass on this one.

OK, a small bump in the road.

Next came the problem with the FaceTime feature not being able to "activate". I spent most of the day researching the Verizon and Apple support forums and discovered the problem is apparently impacting mostly former Alltel customers like me. So I began calling tech support.

First off-Verizon.
They tried really hard but in the end transferred me to Apple tech support. There I spoke to a nice guy in Las Cruces, NM. We tried nearly everything- a hard start, soft start, recovery mode, pushing every button on the damn phone- nothing!

Then I got sent over to talk with an Apple Senior Adviser. He was nice but really only was able to make me an appointment at my local Apple Store Genius Bar.

At the Apple Store- I spoke to a young kid Genius named Pedro who quickly informed me he had already seen a couple of similar cases. Pedro said the problem stemmed from the fact that former Alltel customers (now absorbed by Verizon) cellular plans did not allow the device to attach to the existing cell towers correctly and I would need to contact Verizon to have them switch me to an official Verizon Wireless plan to resolve the issue. Pedro offered to walk with me to the Verizon store in the mall but it had moved across the street. Drats, I have to go on my own.

At the Verizon Store- I explained my problem to a fellow there who gave me that "deer in the headlights" look and was no help at all. I was not happy and left.

Back at home- I decided to call Verizon Tech Support from home and ended up speaking with a wonderful girl who actually listened to and understood my dilemma. She researched the problem on her end and confirmed the issue was due to my former Alltel status in their system. She offered me an array of options regarding similar cellular plans and took the time to help me make the best choice on a swap.

Once the switch was made the FaceTime activation problem was solved!

If you're in a similar situation you'll notice only "3G" appears on the device title bar next to the signal bar icon in the upper left corner of the screen. It actually should say "Verizon".

You may need to sync your device through iTunes and even perform a *228 then press number 1 to program your phone in order for the changes to take place.

Remember you must be on a wi-fi network for FaceTime to work.


Monday, February 07, 2011

VZ Navigator App Missing on New Verizon iPhone4?

That's right. There's a big problem with the new Verizon iPhone4 when it comes to maps. If you checked that you wanted the VZ Navigator feature on your phone during the pre-order event for existing Verizon customers don't expect it to be pre-installed on your iPhone4 when you get it- it's not. The app isn't even available on iTunes or the Verizon webpage for that matter. Why?

Well, it appears the mis-step is because the app isn't ready for the new Apple device. In fact, when I tried to download the app tonight off the Verizon web page I got an error message saying it wasn't available for my phone(?). Oops!

A quick call to Verizon customer service revealed VZ Navigator should be available on February 10th when the entire rest of the know universe will be able to order the phone from Verizon.

Sure this is a minor bump in the road for a roll out that has gone exceedingly well by any standard. I just wish Verizon hadn't dangled the carrot in front of me. Guess I'll just wait to see if February 1oth is the date this kink gets worked out.

Oh, the customer service rep took the feature off my plan so I wouldn't get charged for it. Good move.


Monday, January 03, 2011

Six Sentences Submission Fiasco

I've been following the Six Sentences blogspot for a while now and have always enjoyed it. However, I thought I'd let the uninitiated in on a a little secret regarding written submissions to the site- Don't expect a whole lot.

Read the instructions on the "Writers Guidelines" page and you'll see where Six Sentences guru Robert McEvily claims that "All submissions will receive a response within six days". Yeah right, don't hold your breath.

I can tell you that I submitted a story twice (with modifications) before the 2010 Christmas holiday season and have yet to hear back from Mr. McEvily. So much for the six day email response claim.

Screw Robert McEvily.............