Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Chafed Skin?


Then Use the Magic Formula in A+D Ointment!  Posted by Picasa

This stuff really works! I've been using A+D Ointment over the last several months for skin rashes and chafing. Must be the cod liver oil base they use. Found it after researching blister prevention techniques for the feet during ultraruns. One website mentions mixing equal portions of A+D Ointment and Desitin then applying on your feet. I tried it on a long run and had no problems. The mixture is super waterproof and lasts a very long time. It even does a better job of preventing bleeding nipples- beats Vaseline hands down!




Anonymous said...

bandaids also work well, however I recommend no shirt at all, let them babies get some air time.

Here's another one. Have you tried WD40 on the joints?

Marc said...

WD40? Heck, I mix it with my Gatorade!

Anonymous said...

it just seems like there is a better use of bandwidth than discussing lubing...you shouldn't give away ALL the secrets.

Marc said...
