Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The Secret & The Law of Attraction

There's been a lot of controversy surrounding Rhonda Byrnes "The Secret" and I'm not sure why. Seems most of the critics yelling "Heresy!" don't understand how the film applies good metaphor to the basic concepts of positive thinking. Yes, tunnel vision is still alive and well.... Enjoy the preview.


Anonymous said...

Here's a quote from her book: "Food cannot cause you to put on weight, unless you think it can." (The full context can be found at Boxing and the Law of Attraction).

Does this read like a metaphor? Or rather a literal and deeply flawed view of reality?

Marc said...

Right- no food, in and of itself, can cause you to gain weight. The "thought" of gaining weight preceeds the process of consumption. (But the words don't say exactly that.... what to do?)

All this requires a deeper level of thought. Taking the literal interpretation is the easy way out.

"Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought."
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi