Reading the internet news sites has me worried. All you hear out of Asia is bird flu, bird flu, bird flu. Seems like there have been several confirmed human bird flu deaths recently. The reports say the victims contracting the nasty stuff from handling or eating infected poultry. The big question now is how much of a global problem this will become. All the major health agencies are hyping it to be the next pandemic. I know, I know, big scary word pandemic.
So, after being invited over to a friends house for Thanksgiving dinner and sitting there feasting on the best tasting bird I've had in a while, I came to a decision. No more poultry for me until bird flu season passes. Now, this is going to be tough since poultry is such a big part of my life. It is doable however.
I thought I could achieve this by switching from poultry to fish but there's already a fish flu- Nanophyetiasis. Humans get it by ingesting infected fish and it's parasitic in origin. AAARRRGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
What to do?
Sure can't find a damn flu shot to prevent the stuff so it looks like a diet of vegetables, fruit, and rice are the best ways to avoid getting sick this season. Oh, and I'll be sure to include frequent handwashing and a daily multi-vitamin!
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