Sunday, May 07, 2006

Big Sur International Marathon Race Report

What is this woman doing?

.....and what the heck is this guy doing?
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They're both keeping warm at the start of the Big Sur International Marathon!!

UPDATE! I did it! Rode across the USA on a bicycle! Check out my journal of the adventure here at: Three Spokes and a Mirror

Okay, here's the race report you've all been waiting for! This time our running group is headed off to California to run the Big Sur International Marathon. Everyone is excited. This will be a challenging course full of hills but also complete with breath taking views along some of the best coastline in America. We can't wait.

I'm concerned about Ron and Kim however. You see Ron hasn't put in many training miles since our Bataan Death March adventure and Kim is suffering from an Achilles injury that prevented her from training as well. She's gotten the all clear from her doctor to run. The last thing I want is for anyone to get hurt. Will we all make it? You'll have to wait and see.

So sit back and let the pictures tell the rest of the story......

Waiting for the plane in Charlotte (L-R) Kim, Wendy, Me, and Ron.

Four hours later we touch down in San Fran. Time to do some noodles!

Ricky and Wendy share a laugh on the way to get the rental cars.

Are ya excited to be on the Airport Air Train?

We make it to the expo and pick-up our race packets then decide to head downtown and see the sights.

Hey it's a little chili here (hehehehe).

You gotta go to the Aquarium when you're in Monterey Bay.

Man that's a big fish. Let's see, do you prefer tarter or cocktail sauce with your seafood??

Just a penguin at heart.

Kim's having fun.

We found a Whole Foods store in Monterey and stopped in the deli for
an all organic sandwich- YUM!

Pretty soon it'll be time for supper.

Carbs anyone? Joe, the concierge, recommends the Loose Noodle- Yippeee...

Ready to energize!

What a good looking group of runners.(L-R) Milt and Cheryl from Columbus, Ohio, Me and Kim, Joe and Julia from Boston, Massachusetts, Ricky and Sharon from Virginia, Wendy and Ron. Good luck all!

Race day arrives early! I'm up at 0013 hrs. and begin the "Chi" ceremony.

Ron and Ricky enjoying the 1 hour bus ride to the start.

Ron thinks of everything. Check out our "get ready" space. Thanks Ron!

(L-R) Kim, Ron, and Ricky.

It's a trash can liner kind of morning.

Scene at the start.

....and we're off !

Ron at the lighthouse.

Work that buff Kim! She's flying.

Feeling good as I head toward Hurricane Point.

Need a jolt? Ron hanging out with the Medical Defib Team.

I became an honorary Taiko drummer after I demonstrated I could
work the sticks.

Taiko drums were used by the Japanese during war to rally, motivate,
and direct their soldiers. Learn more about them here:

Japanese Drums

Anyone up to doing 26.2 miles barefoot? The guy in the center did. Amazing!

Yes it is!

What a view!

The Apex...almost.

Are ya happy? Only 13.2 miles to go. You're doing great Kim.

In typical Big Sur style- the grand piano man plays the crowd.

I discover peacocks are indigenous to the area.

Looking towards the finish.

You don't hit the wall at Big Sur, you lean into it....

Skillful Aid Station workers provided vital liquid to all the runners. Well done!

Posing with a real C.H.I.P.'s Great job!

The best sign all day.

Ron with the aluminum hat guys. Long live Zirconia!


Kim Achilles is doing fine. She's headed home.

Ron samples the best strawberries in the world. Sweet!

Around mile 22. Peace to your feet too.

Hey, they were pretty darn good, drunk but good.

Ricky cruises toward the chutes with a time of 4:20:17.

Plugging away. I'll end with a 4:57:54.

"Alas, I see the finish line"

Proud of you girl! Kim crosses at 5:41:36.

Ron's happy as he heads toward the line. Chiptime- 5:41:48.


Say cheese.

I'm soooo happpy !!!!!!!

This run was icing on the cake! (Doesn't that pink shirt around Ron's waist go well with his yellow one?)

Another "Matt Marshall" finish. Thanks guys.

3 words- Flat Tire Ale.

Six marathons in 6 months, not too shabby.

At the end of the run we all jumped in Ron's rental van and re-traced the course for Wendy and Sharon to see.

Here's some other shots of the coastline.

Hang ten !

Numb is good, right?Posted by Picasa

The best scream team around (L-R) Sharon and Wendy) Thanks guys, you made my day.

Ricky and Sharon on the coast.

Nothing feels better than being on the west coast with your friends, wearing a Mangum Track Club t-shirt, and bringing home some medals!

Stay tuned for the Las Vegas update- WOOHOO!!!!!!




Anonymous said...

Great job!
Great story!
Great time!

Glad I could be part of it!

Anonymous said...

I'm a fan of Ricky's and Ron's. Great pictures of the race and the scenery.
Thanks for sharing it with the rest of the world!
Murfreesboro, TN