"There is no law in that requires bicyclists to ride single file, nor is there a law that gives cyclists the right to ride two or more abreast. It is important to ride responsibly and courteously, so that cars may pass safely"
-NCDOT, Division of Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation
The key words are "responsibly and courteously"........
Sometimes we cyclists are our own worst enemy. I've been riding seriously for several years now and it always amazes me how some cyclists are totally unaware of their riding habits especially in group rides. I'm talking about inappropriate two abreast riding.
Now it's one thing to ride two abreast down a secluded country road void of any motor traffic but it's quite another to ride this way when the road narrows, traffic builds, and you have a bunch of pissed off rednecks pulling boat and horse trailers trying to inch their way around you. Talk about nerve racking! Almost every cyclist has a horror story of the truck that came too close or the time someone in a passing car threw a beer can (usually a Pabst Blue Ribbon) at them. Duh- No wonder!
So please take a hint for those of us in back of the pack yelling "CAR BACK!"- Move over and ride single file.
Here's some documents to help raise your courteous quotient:
A Guide to North Carolina Bicycle and Pedestrian Laws (PDF file)
North Carolina Division of Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation- Safety and Education

-rant off
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