Anton Chekhov (1860 - 1904)
UPDATE! I did it! Rode across the USA on a bicycle! Check out my journal of the adventure here at: Three Spokes and a Mirror
Sorry about not posting in a while. I've been sidelined with a minor knee injury to my left MCL. It began to hurt after the MS Bike to the Beach ride last month. I noticed it was tender to touch but continued to run on it thinking the pain would go away. It didn't. Progressively, however, the pain got worse so I decided to research the malady further instead of seeking a true medical opinion. Hey who needs a doctor unless you're unconscious, bleeding profusely, or need a mole or two cut off your body- huh?
The medial collateral ligament (or MCL) is one of the four major ligaments of the knee. In older medical journals, it is known as the tibial collateral ligament.
It's role is to prevent the inside of the knee from opening up. Pain directly over the ligament is the most commonly reported symptom and bruising can occur as well. Severe damage causes patients to report their knees "buckle" or "give out". NOT GOOD!!
MCL injuries are typically "graded" based on the level of severity.
Grade I MCL Tear
This may involve micro tears. The symptoms are usually minimal. Patients may be able to return to their sport very quickly. Most athletes miss 1-2 weeks of play.
Grade II MCL Tear
The MCL may have what's termed "incomplete" tears and patients may complain of instability when attempting to perform cut or pivot movements. The pain and swelling is more significant, and usually a period of 3-4 weeks of rest is necessary.
Grade III MCL Tear
The granddaddy of MCL injuries- Grade III injuries are complete tears of the MCL- OUCH! Patients have significant pain and swelling, and often have severely limited range of motion. A knee brace or a knee immobilizer is usually needed for comfort, and healing may take 6 weeks or longer.
My Diagnosis
Duh?? Grade 1 MCL injury.....
Regimen of Treatment
• Eliminate exercise for 2 weeks (but Doc, it’s gonna kill me!!)
• Use of a heating pad directly on the injury site especially at night
• Icebag if swelling occurs
• Take 800 mg of Vitamin I (ibuprofen) as needed for inflammation
• Wear a knee brace to immobilize at night
• Place Nikken Magnets over injury site (Thanks Kim!)
• Take 1 capsule of Turmeric daily
• Take 3 capsules of MSM (dimethylsulfone) daily
• Consider buying a Himalayan Rock Salt Lamp (Thanks Ron!)- Gotta get a new mantra!
Want to know more about MCL injuries, turmeric, or Rock Salt Lamps? Go here:
MCL Injuries on Web MD Website
All about Turmeric
Himalayan Rock Salt Lamps
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