DRATS! No stuffed armadillo this year. Instead all finishers got this very nice (and heavy) medal. Nice premium huh?UPDATE! I did it! Rode across the USA on a bicycle! Check out my journal of the adventure here at:
Three Spokes and a MirrorHello Everybody,
Well here's the race report for the 2007 AT&T Austin Marathon I promised. I was excited to do this race and had a blast visiting Erin and her family in San Antonio. It turned out to be a true adventure. Heck, I even managed to throw in some spills and chills for good measure!
Go to the official Austin Marathon website hereEnjoy the pictures and commentary.
The bags are packed.....
.....and I'm ready to go!
Continental Airlines did a pretty good job getting me to San Antonio
Did you know Continental Airlines is based out of San Antonio, TX?
Erin picks me up.
This is Alexis. She's excited about the marathon her Mom is going to run with me!
Erin lives in Garden Ridge, Texas. Yep, that's where the national store started.
Erin and Bob's hacienda. I love those trees.
That's little Bobby
Boy, can that little guy eat! He was constantly eating! Never once did I see him not eating! I suspect he'll be at least 7 feet tall and require his own food pantry in the kitchen.
Alexis on her "bouncy ball". Her form of a Segway Human Transporter. That girl could get around on that thing!
Erin's husband Bob was a gracious host even though he'd been fighting the flu for the past week. Tamiflu is a wonderful thing!LET'S GO TO THE EXPO!After lunch we decided to drive to Austin and pick up our race packets. It would give us a chance to see just how long the drive would take and we'd be able to scope out a good place to park. We were glad we did. The Expo traffic was heavy considering it was the first check-in day and there was limited parking at the site.
Once we got inside, I enjoyed this expo. The layout was easy to navigate with good signage directing runners throughout the packet pick-up process. The aisles were wide enough to keep you from feeling cramped and they had a separate retail area for the more expensive items.
I found a lightweight ventilated jacket and purchased it. I'll probably wear in in the morning. The weatherman is calling for a start temperature in the 40 degree range with highs reaching near 60 degrees and light winds. Perfect!
Our trip only took an hour. Good to know since we have to arrive on race day no later than 0600 hrs since street closures will begin then making it nearly impossible to find parking up close. We find a parking garage about 2 blocks away from the start. Our plans are shaping up nicely.
Erin snags her packet...
...and I'm excited to see what goodies are in the bag!
Unknown "Chip Guy" makes sure my chip is working properly- Thanks!
Outside the Palmer Events Center (Expo location).PRE-RACE CARB DINNERWe head back to San Antonio just in time to begin preparations for our carb up dinner. Erin made her famous pasta with two types of sauces- one with and one without meat. Man was it good!
When carbs aren't enough I reach for the new "Summer Sausage" flavor Mega Gel pack. It's my secret weapon!
Hey I'll need something to wash that down with!Well good times had to come to an end. Didn't want to impose on Erin and Bob especially since the flu bug had hit home. Erin made a reservation for me just down the street.
You just can't beat Hampton Inn for nice rooms and friendly service! SATURDAYErin asked what I wanted to do while in San Antonio and I mentioned always hearing people rave about the Riverwalk. So we loaded up the car and headed on down to do some sightseeing and grab lunch when all of a sudden.....

....Disaster strikes! I trip and fall, hitting the ground hard! Damn that hurt! People who witnessed the incident mentioned it reminded them of a "James Bond" rolling stunt type fall. Cool huh?
The result- scrapes, bruises, and a jammed big toe! Oh No! It's going to be a long 26.2 miles. I'm determined to finish even if I have to limp the entire course. Let me go get some rest.......Here we go! Got to the Hampton Inn and laid out all my stuff. Race bib- check! Chip on shoes- check! throw-away gloves- check! Toboggan- check! bike shorts- check! Okay everything seems to be in order. I'm in bed by 2100 hrs.... Goodnight!
You got my number? Got up just past midnight and performed the traditional "Chi" ceremony. Gotta get packed and checked out of the hotel. Erin picks me up at 0430 hrs for the drive to Austin.
Thank goodness she's driving!
We made it!
LOOK A BARBIE PORT-A-JOHN!!!! Figured Erin would spot it right off the bat. What's next? Pastels? I just wanna go potty!
I meet an AT&T Austin Marathon celebrity- I didn't get his name but his tag indicated he was a committee chair. I was honored to get this picture!
MARIACHI!!!!! Makes this North Carolina Boy tingle all over!
Let's do it!
The crowd just before the gun went off. I didn't realize it but we started on the bridge over the Colorado River.
No it's not the New York Marathon. This is Lady Liberty Austin style
My favorite Aid Station! The pirate theme was cool!Avast me hearties! Thar be Mountain Blast PowerAde ahead. AAAARRRGGGHHH!!!!!!!!!
Could it really be that bad ahead? Yep! It ain't all that flat in Texas. The hills were gruesome!
Bring it on!
Erin looking fresh at about mile 13
Taking in all the sights
Classic Erin! You go girl! Well, you know what I mean....
Just past the half
This Pink Lady was everywhere shouting words of encouragement. Thanks!
Anybody seen my big toe?
We rounded the corner and caught this magnificent view of the Capital building. The finish line is just around the corner.
Presentation of the medal. YEEHAW! (I was kind of bummed they didn't give away stuffed armadillos to all the finishers this year- oh well)
Erin had a strong finish today!
Victory!AFTER RACE DINNEROne of the best treats of this trip was the after race dinner at La Pasarita Restaurante in San Antonio. Fresh Mexican food to die for! This is the first time I tasted real guacamole and what a difference. Sure beats the imitation stuff they have up here in North Carolina.
The tortillas were extra good too!Check out little Bobby tasting a lime at the restaurante. Too cute!

MONDAY I flew back to Charlotte and actually arrived a little earlier than expected due to a tailwind. Kim was planning on picking me up and I had called her several times to give her updates on my arrival time. I should have figured something was up when she made me promise not to leave the baggage claim area when I got in.
Then it happened..... AMBUSH!!!!!! I was met by a group of screaming friends complete with "Welcome Home" signs. There was such a commotion I thought Airport Police would surely respond. Thanks Ron, Wendy, Colleen, and Kim! You guys are the best!
That's my girl! Thanks Kim for the big welcome home surprize!POST RACE THOUGHTSThis was the first marathon for me in 2007. I needed to do this one to get back in the swing after recouperating from my MCL injury. Austin was fun. I'm glad I did it. More importantly, I'm glad I did it with an old running friend.
Erin is incredible. Keep in mind her longest run in prep for this race was only 12.5 miles and she had a sinus infection at the beginning of the week on top of that. She still outpaced me. Amazing. My friend Ron Horton
(see tricharlotte.com) told me I'm now a member of the
"Men Who've Been Dropped By Women During a Marathon" club (Do I get a certificate for that?).
What about the course you ask? It was a very hilly course. We spoke to some local runners who told us they changed the route this year to add more hills! Just what we needed! While not on the par of the Big Sur Marathon, Austin had its share of ups and downs- some long grades and some short steep killers. It was only after mile 18 that the course began to gradually go downhill. BTW, whoever thought it was a good idea to put that "split-your-gut" incline just before mile 24 should be taken out and flogged or at least hit with a TASER.
All that aside the crowds were friendly and abundant (loved the guy or girl in the YODA outfit!). The large number of bands along the course helped take your mind off the run especially along the long streaches. Some of the musicians were down-right good, others gritty, and some just plain bad. Who the hell decided "My Sherona" by the Knack was an appropriate marathon running song? Don't they know the 1998 International Marathon Music Committee banned that song from all sanctioned events? I hate to see what the fine is going to be for that little infraction!
Anyway, kudos to all the Public Safety personnel- Police, Fire, and Medics- you guys did an outstanding job making sure the runners stayed safe. Volunteers and Aid Station Workers- Thank you for the smiles and words of encouragement. It means an awful lot.
Finally, to the people of Austin Texas- You have a wonderful vibrant city full of great people. Thanks for the hospitality you showed this runner from Charlotte, North Carolina
(Home of the NASCAR Hall of Fame) Ya'll come visit us next.
