That's right! I signed up to do the Bethel Hill Moonlight Boogie (BHMB) in Ellerbe, NC again. It's a 50 mile run scheduled for Saturday June 16, 2007 between 6:00 pm and 6:00 am. Last time I ran it was back in 2004 and finished in 12 hours even though the starting temp was 94 degrees! I learned a lot and realized the ability to go that distance is linked to nutrition and mindset.
The Lay of the Land
The BHMB course consists of a 10 mile loop with a primary aid station at the start/finish line and only one other non-manned water station about 6 miles out. It's rural with rolling hills and all sorts of animal critters. To give you an idea how rural it is, read the waiver and the information pages:
The Boogie 50 Mile Waiver
The Boogie Race Info Page
We're Sad
For years the course was on paved roads with a short section of dirt road. This year however, the dirt road has been paved so everyone is a little bummed out. Not sure how this will affect the runners since the dirt road did provide some cushion to tired legs and feet especially towards the end. I wonder if we'll see many snakes or polecats?
Fueling and Feet

This time around I'm going to change my strategy a bit. I've been researching endurance fueling strategies and want to go with a Carbohydrate/Protein based fuel along with sports drink that does not contain any simple sugars. Hammer Nutrition has just that in their Sustained Energy and Heed products.
For an excellent article on the science behind proper fueling go here: Fueling Handbook
It's a pdf document and the download may be slow but worth it....... and no I don't work for Hammer products!
Now, to keep my dogs happy and the blisters at bay I'll be wearing toe socks by Injinji. Injinji is an international company started by the Romay brothers back in 1999 with the sole purpose of building a better sock to help the foot function more efficiently. The eureka idea? Use your toes!
Injinji has gained wide approval from ultra runner community and are a favorite at Badwater- nuff said.
See the Injinji Sock here
See a slideshow of what the veterans of Badwater wear on their feet here
Stay tuned for more,
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