The lure of driving a "greener" automobile and getting better gas mileage has infected me more acutely than the H1N1 Swine Flu. It all started after I returned from my Appalachian Trail hike and began driving my current vehicle- a 2006 Toyota Tundra Double Cab. Don't get me wrong, I like my truck but it's never met a gas station it didn't like.
The damn thing sucks gas like no tomorrow and my retirement income just can't take it anymore. I need some relief! Besides, I can get by without having all the hauling capacity. So, let the car hunt begin!
I narrowed down my choices between a Honda Accord EX-L and the 2010 Toyota Prius IV. I want leather seats to caress my bum and these models have that option. My research reveals both are excellent choices so the final decision boils down to a choice between good gas mileage or hyper gas mileage.
There's no shortage of Hondas in my hometown but that's not the case with the Prius. It's the hot car now and every dealer I called has a waiting list. I want to test drive one since the reviews from west coast owners has been spotty on the new model. Most car magazines laud the 2010 Prius model for revolutionary upgrades and engine performance but the "average joe" reviews hasn't been so perky. Most of the complaints revolve around the "cheap" look and feel of the interior. Mainly the amount and types of plastics used inside as well as the thin feel of the leather seats. Not the sort of comments you expect for a $20,000 plus automobile.
I decided to see for myself. This past Saturday a local dealer called me to say he one on his lot. I arrived there on Sunday to take the puppy for a spin. Let me say, I've driven previous model Prius' before and enjoyed the ride. Sure they're different than a conventional car but not by much. The silent running engine was the most noticeable adjustment for me.
Back to the 2010 model- The interior was adequate and I didn't really mind the look and feel of it. The leather seat material was thinner than expected but not as bad as I had been led to believe. The seats were comfortable but there's really no way of telling if that same comfort would be there after 400-500 miles on a road trip. Seat adjustments are manual on all Prius models due to weight concerns. Hmmm........
Now the biggest disappointment was drivetrain performance. The ride was jerky, more so than any previous model year. I detected mini engine power surges as I drove along and reminded me of an engine trying to compensate for an inadequate air-gas mixture. Not good. Imagine how much something like that is to fix once the warranty runs out. Back at the car dealership I park the car, get out, and shake my head in disappointment.
Did I test drive a lemon? Maybe. While I haven't totally discounted getting a new 2010 Prius my first impressions were shattered by a bad test drive.
The hunt for a new car continues.....
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